General aim of the project
The project is designed to:
(a) promote and support computational thinking in order to improve the quality of remote teaching and learning;
(b) develop the concept/model of computational thinking.;
(c) provide high quality training to develop teachers’ knowledge and skills;
One of the most important goals of our project is showing how embedding computational thinking in various areas of learning can help students to understand the collaborative relationship between human thinking and computing. As we know, the programming languages are different from each other, but the problem-solving methods to implement them are quite similar.The learning material include:
(a) Introduction to CT; (b) Description of key concepts of CT; (c) Role of digital literacy in modern education; (d) Overview of CT Frameworks; (e) Model of CT for Education Online; (f) Description of teachers’ roles and responsibilities in facilitation of online learning; (g) Activities for developing CT skills; (h) Teaching Methods for CT; (i) List of online tools which can be used to teach CT; (j) Challenges for CT in Education; (k) Benefits of teacher training in CT; (l) List of tools and resources for self-study; (m) List of good practices and other resources.
Benefits of teaching with Computational Thinking.
There are three main reasons educators of all grades should use CT. First, it helps students to cope with almost any problem providing them with a step-to-step procedure in order to reach to an end solution, through a variety of disciplines. Second, it exhibits the strength of computer technology and finally complements and enhances existing school curriculum (Waterman, Goldsmith, Pasquale, 2019).
Project results:
Handbook: “Model of CT for Online Education”
E-learning course - Using Computational Thinking in Online Education
Didactic materials: “A set of lesson plans for teaching with Computational Thinking”

Specifically, we want to view CT as a model of thinking that is more about thinking than computing. As computing is the study of natural and artificial information processing
- Denning, 2007

Mathematical abstractions called models of computation are at the heart of computation and computational thinking. Computation is a process that is defined in terms of an underlying model of computation and computational thinking is the thought processes involved in formulating problems so their solutions can be represented as computational steps and algorithms.
- Aho, 2011

The concept of CT should not be definitively limited to computer science or programming, thus avoiding a subject fixation on CT. In this way, CT development can be truly integrated into all education so that everyone can succeed in STEM education.
- Committee on STEM Education, 2018